July Update

  • 10 Aug 2021

With the global coronavirus pandemic in its second year and effective vaccine programmes being rolled out worldwide, St John Eye Hospital Group continues to treat those most in need as operations resume as normal.

COVID-19 update

  • More than 5.5 million people have been vaccinated in Israel and almost all restrictions have been lifted including wearing masks indoors
  • Travel restrictions remain in place for non-Israeli citizens visiting Israel, but this is expected to change in the next few weeks
  • Almost half a million Palestinians have been vaccinated and the pandemic remains largely under control. Most restrictions have now been lifted
  • There are approximately 100 positive cases a day and 1-2 fatalities in Palestinian controlled areas

Staff Vaccinations:

  • All staff excluding one (currently abroad) have received both of their vaccinations

The St John Eye Hospital Group

  • Between January to the end of May this year we treated 48,956 outpatients and performed 2,502 major surgeries
  • There has been close to a 30% increase in the number of outpatients, compared to the same period a year ago
  • There was a 29% increase in major surgeries performed at the Group compared to the same time a year ago
  • Paediatric surgery was up by 13% compared to the same period a year ago

Jerusalem Eye Hospital

  • Dr. Islam has completed his one-year Glaucoma Fellowship and has returned to work at the Hospital
  • We have successfully negotiated another contract with the Israeli Sick Fund which will increase patient related income by more than 70% this year

Anabta Centre

  • Between January to the end of May, outpatient activities increased by 26% compared to the same period a year ago

Gaza Hospital

  • After the end of the conflict in May, the Beit Hanoun crossing has remained closed meaning patients were prevented from reaching the West Bank and Jerusalem to receive treatment
  • The continued closure of the Karni crossing has prevented medical devices and supplies from entering Gaza
  • Despite the recent escalation of violence in Gaza there was a 5% increase in outpatient clinical activities, compared to the same period in 2020
  • The level of surgical activities remained consistent in 2021 compared with 2020
  • Clinical support for the Gaza Hospital has ceased after the war, as access to Gaza has been forbidden by the Israeli Authorities

Hebron Hospital

  • There was a 50% increase in outpatient activities, compared to the same period in 2020
  • Cataract surgery was up by almost 100% resulting in us receiving the OCHA UN grant for cataract surgery