Help our vital work by leaving a gift in your will


By leaving us a gift in your will, you will help to ensure that the sight of future generations in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank are saved.

Legacy gifts go a long way to secure our staff’s livelihood, the important work they do in the community, and the mission we have set out to achieve. By leaving us a gift in your will today you will help us to keep our doors open to patients most in need and transform their lives forever.

How to include St John Eye Hospital Group in your will

If you would like to include St John Eye Hospital Group in your will, you can use the template text below depending on the gift you would like to leave.

Wording if you’re leaving SJEHG a percentage of your estate (also referred to as a residuary gift):

I give ……. per cent (…….%) of the residue of my real and personal estate to St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group, 4 Charterhouse Mews, London, EC1M 6BB registered charity number 7355619 (England and Wales) for its general charitable purposes  and the receipt of a duly authorised officer for the time being of St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group shall be sufficient discharge for my Executors.

Wording if you’re leaving SJEHG a set sum (also referred to as a pecuniary gift):

I give ……. pounds (£…….) to St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group, 4 Charterhouse Mews, London, EC1M 6BB registered charity number 7355619 (England and Wales) for its general charitable purposes and the receipt of a duly authorised officer for the time being of  St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group shall be sufficient discharge for my Executors.

Wording if you’re leaving SJEHG a particular asset (also referred to as a specific gift):

I give my ……. (include a description of the asset here) to St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group, 4 Charterhouse Mews, London, EC1M 6BB registered charity number 7355619 (England and Wales) for its general charitable purposes  and the receipt of a duly authorised officer for the time being of  St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group shall be sufficient discharge for my Executors.

As a token of our appreciation for leaving us a gift in your will, we can enter your name into the Book of Remembrance, if so desired. The book is in our London office but once filled it will be taken to Jerusalem and laid to rest in the chapel in our main East Jerusalem Hospital.


If you would like to speak to us further about leaving a gift in your will or our remembrance book, please contact our office on 0207 253 2582, or you can email on