Safe and legal fundraising

There are some issues you will need to consider when you are arranging a fundraising event. For more detailed guidance, please familiarise yourself with the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice and the other guidance and regulations referred to below.

Please note, fundraising rules vary across local authorities and differ between England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Please check the government website for more specific guidance here:

Cash handling

Devise a thought out plan to handle money safely. When collecting funds, use a sealed collection bucket or locked tin. Cash must not be left unsecured or unattended. Cash should be counted in a secure place. You should have two unrelated people available to count and transport cash and money should be deposited at the bank as soon as possible after the event. Empty cash into sealed envelope, don’t carry it in a charity bucket. If you are threatened to hand over cash when out in public, hand it over and report the incident to the police as soon as possible. Make a mental note of the person’s appearance, time and date and location.

You should not deduct expenses or fees from the sums collected unless this has been previously agreed with St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group.

Collections on public land must be licensed by the Local Authority. Speak to your local authority about applying for a license. We are able to provide branded collection tins and boxes and can confirm if another support is already collecting at the same location.

Collections on private land do not require permission from the local authority, but you do need permission from the owner of the site. Some premises may require you to organise public liability insurance, check with your contact before making arrangements.

Whether the collection is on public or private land a number of strict legal requirements apply and you should ensure you are familiar with these.

Contractors and suppliers

Ensure you use a reputable company for equipment or services. Ask to see a copy of their Public Liability Insurance and risk assessment ahead of your fundraising event. If you spot any unsafe activity on the day, stop the activity straightway.

Data protection

Any electronic or paper record you keep about those involved in a fundraising event must comply with data protection law, and the information you collect must only be used for the purposes the law allows. You must ensure that records are kept securely. Generally, we advise not to keep information about people any longer than you have to and don’t share information about someone without seeking their permission. More information can be found at the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Event, alcohol and public entertainment licenses

If you are selling alcohol or using live music/showing a performance or play/or hosting an indoor sporting event, you may need a license. Further information can be found here: Entertainment Licensing

Your venue may already hold a license, but if not, you will need to apply for a ‘Temporary Events Notice’ (TEN) via your local authority.

You must ensure that the number of people attending the event does not exceed any limit imposed by the relevant license or permission.

First aid

First aid provision may be required at your event. This will depend on how many people there are, the activity they are doing and what first aid facilities are already available.

If you think you might need first aid support, check with St John Ambulance: Event First Aid Cover

Food hygiene

The Food Standards Agency provides rules on preparing, handling and cooking food, please see this section of their website: Food Hygiene for your business. If a caterer is being used for an event, make sure they can provide a food hygiene certificate and public liability insurance.

Health and safety and risk assessment

A risk assessment must be carried out prior to an event to locate, reduce and control the risk to all those attending. It is best practice to complete a risk assessment as proof that you have considered and mitigated any potential risks around your event.

St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group cannot accept liability for any loss, damage or injury suffered by anyone taking part in a fundraising event organised in support of our charity, other than personal injury or death caused by our own negligence.

Guidance on completing a risk assessment can be found here: Event Safety


Check that any buildings or equipment hired for an event are covered by insurance. It is usually included in the hire fee but not always.

Arranging public liability cover for some events, will ensure you are protected against claims made by third parties for injury or property damage. In most cases, for public events, you may need public liability cover in place.

Publicity materials

Please ensure that all materials promoting your event specify that it is ‘in support of’ St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group.

Raffles, lotteries and prize draws

There are strict legal rules about organising raffles, lotteries and prize draws. More information about these rules can be found at the Gambling Commission.

If you are considering running a raffle or similar as part of an event, and tickets will only be sold at that event, you would not normally require a license provided you satisfy all the relevant conditions: Organising Small lotteries.

If you are selling tickets in advance of an event, or to people not attending the event, this would require a license. Only a non-commercial organisation can apply for a lottery license via a local authority if applicable.


If children at your event, you should ensure that they have permission to take part and are supervised. There are a number of important and specific rules relating to the involvement of children in fundraising – see the relevant provisions in the Code of Fundraising Practice.