“We are proud to continue building on a rich heritage of 140 years of saving sight.” – Dr. Ahmad Maali
In the Heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group organized a very special dinner at the Muristan garden on Tuesday night, September 3rd, 2022. The event was a unique opportunity to gather at this special place, the site of the first Bimaristan, “Hospital” in the old city of Jerusalem.
The dinner was hosted by the Chairman, Sir Andrew Cash. More than seventy delegates were present at this celebration including the Lord Prior, The Chancellor, the Prior of the US Priory, Board Trustees, diplomates and local and international supporters. We celebrated the 140 years’ anniversary of the work of all; our staff, partners, volunteers, and supporters across the globe, who have worked collectively to end preventable blindness in the Holy Land.
Hearing from many guests about their continuous support for the St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group, CEO Dr. Ahmad Maali also shared about St. John Eye Hospital’s work and future direction, in addition to developing more community connections in the area.
A fantastic evening and a great way to conclude another year of providing expert eye care in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, treating patients regardless of ethnicity, religion, or ability to pay. Indeed, we are an incredible force when working together; in 2021 we managed to treat over 134,600 patients and deliver over 6500 major surgeries.